Tekiila organizes multiple excursion outside Tampere throughout the year. During indoor climbing season, the excursion are mainly headed to climbing centers in Helsinki, however if weather is suitable we also go to outdoor boulder and top rope rocks. The information about excursions and other relevant subjects is informed through Tekiila’s e-mail list, to with you can join here.
If the excursion heads to an indoor climbing gym, in order to a participant to take part in top rope climbing they must have a belaying card or be willing to acquire one. You can ask more information about this via the email list of Tekiila’s board or come to one the climbing sessions/meet-ups to talk face-to-face with the board members. Feel free to suggest a destination for the upcoming excursions.
Tekiila will give a kilometer allowance to all excursion participants whose cars are used during the excursion. A participant has to be a member of Tekiila in order to receive the allowance.